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By 25/03/2025No Comments

By Lisete Mónico & Sofia Morgado Pereira 

The individuals understand the social world trough categorization. Generally, it refers to the cognitive process of using characteristics or attributes to cluster individuals into social classes or groups. Social categorization helps individuals make sense of their and others’ position in society and adds to identity when the characteristics of the self are identified as belonging to a group (ingroup) or not belonging to a group (outgroup).  

Social categorization is inaccurate and marked by biases and distortions. Moreover, ingroups and outgroups are perceived differently. There is a tendency to judge the individuals categorized in a given group as similar, and individuals categorized into different groups as distinct (accentuation). The outgroup homogeneity effect results from this process of asymmetrical accentuation of similarities and differences among group members, referring to the tendency to accentuate the similarities of the outgroup members to each other more than the similarities of the ingroup members to each other. That is, there is a tendency to see ingroup members as relatively more differentiated than outgroup members. This implies that outgroup members’ perceptions are based on category information (stereotyping), whereas the perceptions of ingroup members are based on individual attribute information (individuation). Differences in the attention invested in the process of perception of individual attributes, greater knowledge of ingroup occurrences and variety, and feelings of gratification derived from ingroup identification can explain the differences in ingroup/outgroup categorization. Moreover, dependence and power dynamics influence group categorization.  

In any given social hierarchy, there are people who have both high power and status and other individuals who have neither. Social hierarchy can be understood as the unequal distribution of power and status among individuals. According to Fragale et al. (2011), status is defined “as the extent to which an individual is respected, admired, and highly regarded by others” (p. 767). Ingroups with a low status (subordinates) are judged as more homogeneous than outgroups with higher status (dominants) given that, owing to insecure social identity, subordinate group members need to feel unified and strong in the face of the outgroup, as proposed by the Social Identity Theory. Thus, subordinate groups look for and promote homogeneity among their members. Conversely, dominant group members perceive the ingroup as more heterogeneous owing to more personological explanations, and the outgroup (subordinate) as more homogenous, forming stereotypical views, which can be due to a lack of invested attention in the process of perception of individual attributes. The accentuated perception of dissimilarity between the ingroup and outgroup and similarity within each group can lead to intergroup conflict. 

Related References

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Mónico, Lisete & Sofia Morgado Pereira. 2025. ’Outgroup Homogeneity Effect. In Populisms and Emotions Glossary, edited by Cristiano Gianolla, Lisete Mónico, Maira Magalhães Lopes and Maria Elena Indelicato. Available atário