Performance, Affect and Media Cycle
The second meeting of the Performance, Affect and Media Cycle will take place on March 14 at 3pm in room 209 of the Almada Negreiros College in Lisbon.
The second session of the Performance, Affect and Media Cycle will focus on how anger and hatred circulate in the public space through emotional narratives and comments on online platforms. Cristiano Gianolla will present his research on the role of emotion narratives and their polarizing forces in the creation of political communities. Marisa Torres da Silva will address the presence of incivility and hate speech in online comment boxes during election periods.
Cristiano Gianolla (CES, Universidade de Coimbra)
Marisa Torres da Silva (ICNOVA, UNL)
Cristiano Gianolla is a researcher at the Center for Social Studies (CES) at the University of Coimbra (UC), where he is part of the thematic line of research on Democracy, Justice and Human Rights. He holds a PhD in Sociology and Political Science. He is the Principal Investigator of the UNPOP project - Unpacking populism: comparing the formation of emotion narratives and their effects on political behaviour (FCT, 2021-2025).
Marisa Torres da Silva is a professor at NOVA FCSH and a researcher at ICNOVA (NOVA Communication Institute). She was Principal Investigator of the project “Discurso de ódio online: comentários às notícias em contexto eleitoral e boas práticas jornalísticas em Portugal”, funded by the Regulatory Authority for the Media - ERC (2020-2021). She was also Co-Coordinator of the project Extremos, funded through a Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Journalism Research Grant (2019-2021).
This cycle is coordinated and organized by Ana Pais, ICNOVA researcher and member of the Performance & Cognition Research Group.