Meet our Team


Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra

Cristiano Gianolla

Principal Investigator

Cristiano Gianolla is a researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (CES) of the University of Coimbra (UC), where he integrates research thematic line on Democracy, Justice and Human Rights. He obtained a PhD in Sociology and Political Science (cum Laude, Coimbra and Rome-Sapienza) by way of a dissertation on Gandhi's democratic theory and a comparative study of emerging political parties in India and Italy. Cristiano is the Principal Investigator of the UNPOP project (FCT, 2021-2024) and PI and WP leader of PROTEMO (HEU, 2024-2026) and of CO3 (HEU, 2024-2027) projects. He was a team member of the ECHOES (H2020, 2018-2021), ALICE (ERC, 2011-2016) and FRANET (2021-2022) projects. He is a co-founding and co-coordinating member of the "Inter-Thematic group on Migrations" and co-coordinates the research programme "Epistemologies of the South" at CES. He is coordinating editor of Alice News, editor of e-cadernos scientific journal and a reviewer for scientific journals. Cristiano co-coordinates the PhD course "Democratic Theories and Institutions" and the MA course "Critical Intercultural Dialogue" at the Faculty of Economics of the UC, where he also teaches on the PhD course "State, Democracy and Legal Pluralism". His publications include authored and organised books, chapters and articles on democratic theory, populism, emotion, narrative, post-colonialism, intercultural dialogue, citizenship and migrations.
Senior Researcher at the Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra

Giovanni Allegretti

With a degree in Architecture and a PhD in Urban, Territorial, and Environmental Planning from the University of Florence (Italy), he is a senior researcher at the Center for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, and is part of the Center for Democracy, Citizenship, and Law Studies.
Since 2014 he has been qualified as an associate professor in Italy, where he previously taught Urban Management and Land and Settlement Analysis at the University of Florence.
He is currently Co-Coordinator of the PhD program "Democracy in the 21st century" at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC). His main areas of research include citizen participation in the management of budgeting and territorial transformations, on which he has numerous publications in several languages. He also works on topics such as the informal city and the self-production of habitat, the right to the city, the practices of 'insurgent citizenship' and networks of cities in the international arena. Portuguese representative at COST "Constitution-making and deliberative democracy" (CA17135), he is an active member of the Standing Group on "Democratic Innovations" at the European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR), of the United Cities and Local Governments Commission on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights and of the International Observatory on Participatory Democracy (IOPD).
Coordinator of several research projects that resulted in the organization and publication of books and scientific articles, he has also been a trainer, consultant, and evaluator of participatory processes in more than 50 countries on 5 continents, both for civic organizations and public administrations, and for international institutions such as the World Bank, UCLG, the European Commission, and the Council of Europe.
In the 2014-2019 term he was co-chair of the Independent Authority for Assurance and Promotion of Participation of the Tuscany Region (Italy).
PhD candidate in Political Science in the Joint PhD Program between the Center for Social Studies (CES) and the Faculty of Economics (FEUC), University of Coimbra

Izabel Weber

Despite my experience of more than 20 years in the Brazilian public service as a Public Policy Manager, I have always maintained contact with the academic world. Currently, I am a PhD candidate in Political Science in the Joint PhD Program between the Center for Social Studies (CES) and the Faculty of Economics (Feuc), University of Coimbra (UC), "Democracy in the XXI Century", Coimbra, Portugal and I work as a Researcher in the Unpop Project (CES/UC). My research path has always been indirectly focused on the scope of the Unpop project. In undergraduate studies, my first research work involved the comparison of political representation scenarios in Brazil and Mexico, where we analyzed how the public construction of political meanings impacted the electoral process. In my master's dissertation, I analyzed the influence of authoritarian thought of some authors absorbed by the institutional apparatus of the Estado Novo during Getúlio Vargas. Now, in my doctoral work, I explore the emotional impact of structural violence on certain populations, through a study of the changing epidemiological profile of suicide in the last thirty years.
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra

Lisete Mónico

co-Principal Investigator

Lisete S. M. Mónico, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the University of Coimbra, European Diploma of Advanced Studies in Social Psychology (DEEAPS, Università degli Studi di Bari), teaches courses in Research Methods and Social Psychology since 1999. Current Mobility Coordinator and Coordinator of the BSc in Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra. Member of The Center for Research in Neuropsychology and Cognitive and Behavioral Intervention (CINEICC), dedicates her professional activity to research in the field of Social Sciences, especially applied social psychology to organizational and entrepreneurial behaviour, psychosocial dimensions of religious behavior, and (inter)personal processes related to the self. Author of several books, book chapters, and articles in international peer-reviewed journals.
PhD in Clinical Psychology (specialty in Family Psychology and Family Intervention) by the Universities of Coimbra and Lisbon

Luciana Sotero

Luciana Sotero has a PhD in Clinical Psychology (specialty in Family Psychology and Family Intervention) from the Universities of Coimbra and Lisbon and is an Invited Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra. Her research and teaching interests focus on the areas of family psychology and family intervention, particularly in the investigation of the therapeutic process, the development of family assessment instruments and the analysis of resilience processes in the face of disruptive events in family life (e.g., chronic illnesses, natural disasters, migrations). At CES she integrates the thematic line Risk(s), Ecologies, Health and is a member of the Permanent Observatory of Justice (OPJ).
Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra

Maíra Lopes

Maíra Magalhãs Lopes is part of the research team of the UNPOP project at CES. She obtained her PhD in 2018 at Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University with a thesis on "The Making of Us: How affects shape collective bodies resisting gentrification". Her research interests span emotions and affects, postcolonial theories and approaches, as well as consumer politics and consumer culture.
Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra

Manuel João Cruz

PhD in Communication Sciences. He works in the field of Social Sciences, with an emphasis on Communication Sciences and Political Science. He is a researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (CES) at the University of Coimbra (UC), where he is part of the Democracy, Justice and Human Rights thematic line. At CES, Manuel João Cruz is part of the project "UNPOP: Dismantling Populism: Comparing the formation of emotion narratives and their effects on political behaviour". Main research interests: Media, Populism, Democracy, Narrative Studies.
Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra

Manuela Guilherme

Maria Manuela Duarte Guilherme has been a researcher at the Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra since 2002, where she integrates the thematic line of research in Urban Cultures, Sociabilities and Participation.
She was a full-time researcher at CES Associated Laboratory (2002-2007)and a Marie Sklodowska- Curie Fellow (2014-2017). Her research interests are Intercultural Communication and Education, Plurilingualism and Intercultural Epistemologies in transnational scientific research, Teacher Training, Language Policies in Education, Mobility and Ethnicities. She was born in Zambezia, Mozambique, where she lived until she started her degree in Germanic Philology at the University of Lisbon. She earned a Master's degree in Cultural Studies (Bilingual and Bicultural Education in the United States of America)at the Universidade NOva de Lisboa. She holds a PhD in Social Sciences/Language and Culture Education from Durham University, UK (2000), for which she was awarded the Birkmaier Award for research on a doctoral project in Washington D.C. by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and the Modern Language Journal. Her academic merit is also recognized in the biographical summary authored by the internationally recognized expert Phipps, A. (2012). "Manuela Guilherme" in C. A. Chapelle (ed.) The Encyclopaedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell Publ. Between 1987 and 1999, in addition to research in England, she did mostly research in the United States of America. In the following decade he focused his research on Europe and from 2010 to 2019 on Latin America. After taking up a contract with CES in 2002, she coordinated international projects funded by the European Commission such as:(a) ICOPROMO - Intercultural Competence for Professional Mobility (Leonardo da Vinci Programme), also supported by the European Centre for Modern Languages, Council of Europe [2003-2006]) and (b) INTERACT - Intercultural Active Citizenship Education (Sixth European Framework Programme), also by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation [2004-2007]). She was scientific co-coordinator of the RIAIPE3 Project: "Programa Marco Interuniversitario para la equidad y la cohesion social de las instituciones de educación superior en América Latina" (2010-2013), financed by the ALFA Program of the European Commission for cooperation between Europe and Latin America. Her GLOCADEMICS project - "'Glocal Languages' and 'Intercultural Responsibility' in a postcolonial global academic world: Power relations between languages/cultures within and between research groups" took place between the Centre for Social Studies, UC, and the Department of Modern Languages of the University of São Paulo, Brazil, funded by an MSC (Marie Sklodowska-Curie) grant.
Her work has been published internationally. She is the author of "Critical Citizens for an Intercultural World: Foreign Language Education as cultural politics", 2002, and co-editor of "Critical Pedagogy: Political approaches to language and intercultural communication", 2004, both published by Multilingual Matters, and "European and Latin American Higher Education between mirrors: Conceptual frameworks and policies of equity and social cohesion" by Sense Publishers. She was also co-author of "ICOPROMO - Intercultural Competence for Professional Mobility", European Centre of Modern Languages, Council of Europe (2007), and lead editor of "The Intercultural Dynamics of Multicultural Working", Multilingual Matters (2010), as well as author of book chapters and encyclopedias by Sage and Routledge. She is also a member of the Editorial Board of some scientific journals, such as "Language and Intercultural Communication", "Journal of Multicultural Discourses" and the journals "Dialogia" and "Roteiro", Brazil. He has published extensively internationally, most recently, "A Framework for Critical Transnational Research: Advancing Plurilingual, Intercultural, and Inter-epistemic Collaboration in the Academy", Manuela Guilherme (ed. ), 2022, and "Glocal languages: The South talks back", Manuela Guilherme and Souza (eds.), 2019, both published by Routledge, and also "Glocal Languages: Voices from the South", Manuela Guilherme (ed.), 2022, published by Mercado de Letras, Brazil, 2022.
FCT researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (CES), University of Coimbra

Maria Elena Indelicato

Maria Elena Indelicato (she, her, hers) is a CEEC FCT researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (CES), University of Coimbra. Besides working on her project 'A colonial history of anti-racism education,' Indelicato is a team member of the FCT funded research project UNPOP and a member of the Inter-Thematic Group on Migrations (ITM). With Alana Lentin, she is also co-editing the section 'Anti-Racism/Mobilisations and Resistance' of the online Routledge Encyclopaedia of Race and Racism. Indelicato obtained her Ph.D. in 2014 at the Department of Gender and Cultural Studies, University of Sydney, where she also assisted historian Victoria Grieves with the ARC funded project 'More than family history: race, gender and the Aboriginal family in Australian history'. Following, she was appointed as lecturer at the School of Communication, Ningbo Institute of Technology (NIT), Zhejiang University, where she also acted as international vice-director of the Huallywood Film Research Center. In 2018, Indelicato was awarded with the Endeavour Research Fellowship to investigate how migrants contributed to the settler colonial project of replacing indigenous people in Australia. Besides her monograph 'Australian New Migrants: International Students' History of Affective Encounters with the Border (2018),' she has published in feminist, critical race and cultural studies journals such as Outskirts: Feminisms along the Edge, Critical Race and Whiteness Studies e-Journal, Chinese Cinemas, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Paedagogica Historica, Transnational Cinemas, Feminist Review, Postcolonial Studies, and Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies besides several chapters in edited books on settler colonialism, Chinese cinemas, and international education.
Researcher at the Center for Social Studies and Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra

Sara Araújo

Sara Araújo is a researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (CES) and invited assistant professor in sociology at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC). She holds a PhD in Law, Justice and Citizenship in the 21st century and co-founded the PhD Programme in Sociology of the State, Law and Justice (CES and FEUC) that she now co-coordinates. Between 2011 and 2016, she was a member of the Coordination Board of the ERC Alice project led by Boaventura Sousa Santos, which was successfully transformed into the burgeoning Research Programme in Epistemologies of the South (CES). Within this Research Programme, Sara co-coordinated four editions of the ground-breaking Epistemologies of the South Summer School and co-organized several workshops of the Popular University of Social Movements (UPMS). She has a scientific path devoted to interdisciplinary studies, starting in 2000 under the work developed within the Permanent Observatory of Justice and engaging more recently in debates with researchers from the Centre of Neurosciences (CnC University of Coimbra). In the last years, she organised many scientific events and developed multiple activities that combine science, art and knowledge born in social struggles (concerts, concert-conferences, performances, exhibitions, workshops, forums, among others). After working for three years in the Permanent Observatory for the Portuguese Justice (2000-2005), she was part of the research team of the Legal and Judicial Training Centre of Mozambique (2005-2006) and associated researcher at the Centre for African Studies of the Eduardo Mondlane University (2008-2010) (Mozambique). In 2015 she was a visiting Scholar at the Law School of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA). More recently she undertook funded research for a diagnosis study of justice in East-Timor (2016-2017), and was a senior researcher at the European project "ETHOS - Towards a European THeory Of juStice and fairness" (2017-2019). Under the latter, she co-authored articles and reports on social justice, austerity discourses, social dialogue, alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and citizens' vulnerabilities. She was co-editor of the books Decolonising constitutionalism. Beyond false of impossible lessons (AKAL, 2022; Routledge, forthcoming) and Dynamics of Legal Pluralism in Mozambique" (Kapicua, 2012). She has published several chapters in co-edited books and articles in scientific national and international journals on legal pluralism, access to justice, epistemologies of the south and the challenges to legal thinking. She has fieldwork experience in Portugal, Mozambique and East-Timor and extensive experience of working in large, international and interdisciplinary teams. In 2008 she was awarded the individual prize Agostinho da Silva (Lisbon Academy of Sciences).
Assistant Professor of International Relations at the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra

Sofia Santos

Sofia José Santos is an Assistant Professor of International Relations at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra and a researcher at the Centre for Social Studies, where she coordinates the DeCodeM project as Principal Researcher, and where she has developed, since 2008, and from a Critical perspective, research on media and international relations; political communication, media representations and securitization processes; media and foreign policy; internet and technopolitics; and media and masculinities.

Within CES, she is also co-editor of Alice News. Since 2016, she has been an Associate Researcher at the OBSERVARE Research Center of the Autonomous University of Lisbon. She holds a PhD and a Master's degree in International Politics and Conflict Resolution from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra and a degree in International Relations from the same university, having also a diploma in Advanced Studies in "Communication Sciences" from ISCTE-IUL. Previously, she was an Invited Assistant Professor in the International Relations core at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (2016-2019), a post-doctoral researcher at OBSERVARE/UAL (2015/2016) and at CES (2015), and a researcher and media and communication coordinator at Promundo-Europa (2014-2015). She belonged to the research team of the Flemish Peace Institute as visiting scholar, in the line of "Peace and Society", and was Marie Curie fellow at the Anthropology department of the Universiteit Utrecht. In addition to publications, conferences and national and international research projects, her work as co-coordinator and co-editor of the P@x Bulletin of the NHUMEP Peace Studies Group, her involvement with social movements (e. Academia Cidadã; Cidadãos por Coimbra) and international networks (e.g. EDEN, Orecomm, MenCare, MenEngage) as well as her work for think tanks, foundations and international development agencies, such as NOREF, UKAid, Palladium and Promundo-US.


Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Padova

Annalisa Frisina

Annalisa Frisina is Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Padova, where she teaches qualitative and visual methods for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students. Her main research interests are in sociology of racism and migrations. Her participatory video "Decolonising the City. Visual Dialogues in Padova" (with E. Campagni) received a Visual Research Award in 2021, by the International Visual Sociology Association. Her last book is Contemporary Racisms. Sociological Perspectives (Carocci 2020) and (with S. A. Kyeremeh) she published Music and words against racism. A qualitative study with racialized artists in Italy, in Ethnic and Racial Studies (2022). She is Scientific Coordinator and P.I. for the local unity of the national research project (PRIN, 2022-2025) Mobilities, solidarities and imaginaries across the borders: the mountain, the sea, the urban and the rural as spaces of transit and encounters.
Senior University Lecturer in Political Science, Research Programme Director in Datafication

Emilia Palonen

Investigadora Sénior em Ciência Política na Faculdade de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Helsínquia, PI do grupo de investigação HEPPsinki, que acolheu o projecto WhiKnow da Academia da Finlândia (Whirl of Knowledge: Populismo Cultural e Polarização na Política e nas Sociedades Europeias) e a Fundação Kone financiou o Now-Time Us-Space: Mobilizações Hegemónicas na Europa Central e Oriental, bem como o projecto horizonte D.Rad, financiado pela Comissão Europeia no final de Helsínquia: DeRadicalização na Europa e no Além: Detectar, Resolver, Reintegrar. Também o consórcio de investigação financiado pela Academia da Finlândia sobre Mainstreaming Populism in the 21st Century (MAPO), liderado por Juha Herkman, pertence a este consórcio, liderando aí o WP sobre Populismo e Democracia.
Senior Lecturer in Politics School of Law and Politics in Cardiff

Emmy Eklundh

I joined Cardiff University in January 2020. Prior to this appointment, I was a Lecturer in Spanish and International Politics at King’s College London. I hold a PhD in Politics from the University of Manchester (2015), an MA in International Relations: Global Governance and Social Theory from the University of Bremen, Germany (2011), and two BAs in Political Science and Latin from Lund University, Sweden (2009). My research is located in the interface between European Politics and political and social theory. I’m particularly interested in social movements and political parties on the left, and especially cases of left-wing populism in Southern Europe. I use radical democratic frameworks to further our understanding of democracy in Europe, the challenges to our current liberal order, but also the possibilities for democratic reform. Current research projects include left-wing populist responses to nationalism, and resistance to European integration from the left. I also have a strong interest in the role of social media for political action, and how emotions and affect influence the way we think about political identities. I regularly contribute to media outlets on discussions on Spanish politics and populism (including the BBC, CNN, Sky News, CNBC, Swedish national radio, Newsweek).
Professor of Sociology in the Institute for Connected Communities

Gargi Bhattacharyya

Gargi's writing and scholarly activity has focused on changing cultures of racism and the manner in which discourses of sexuality are deployed as techniques of power.

She has undertaken funded research examining: vulnerable workers and the hospitality industry; the characteristics of the 'student city'; remittance circuits; political disengagement in Birmingham; changing understandings of poverty; trade unions and the integration of migrants in Europe.

She has been involved in the research teams of 'Go Home - mapping immigration controversy' (ESRC) and 'Conflict, memory, displacement' (PaCCs).

Gargi is a member of the Centre for Migration, Refugees and Belonging.

Professor of political science, emeritus, at Williams College

George Marcus

George E. Marcus is professor of political science, emeritus, at Williams College. He received his B.A. from Columbia University. His M.A. and PhD. are from Northwestern University. He is a co-author, with John L. Sullivan and James E. Piereson, of Political Tolerance and American Democracy (University of Chicago Press, 1982, 1989, 1993), and, co-author, with John L. Sullivan, Elizabeth Theiss-Morse, and Sandra L. Wood, of With Malice Toward Some: How People Make Civil Liberties Judgments (Cambridge University Press, 1995). He is co-author of the book Affective Intelligence and Political Judgment, with W. Russell Neuman and Michael MacKuen (University of Chicago Press, 2000). He is also author of The Sentimental Citizen (Penn State University Press, 2002; French language edition, Les Presses de Sciences Po, 2009) of Political Psychology: Neuroscience, Genes, and Politics (Oxford University Press, 2012), and with Stanley Feldman and Leonie Huddy of Going to War in Iraq: When People and the Press Matter (University of Chicago Press, 2015). His current research continues on the role of emotion in democratic politics. He has published numerous articles in political science journals. His published work can be found at: He was co-editor, with Russ Hanson, of Reconsidering The Democratic Public (Penn State University Press, 1993) and co-editor with W. Russell Neuman, Ann Crigler, and Michael B. MacKuen, of The Affect Effect (University of Chicago Press, 2007), as well as a contributor to a number of other edited volumes. He was cofounder and, for 12 years, coeditor of the journal, Political Methodology. He was executive director of the International Society of Political Psychology from 1992 to 1996. He has served as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Roper Center and as President of the International Society of Political Psychology. He served as councillor of the International Society of Political Psychology. He serves on the editorial board of the journal Political Psychology. He has received grants from the National Science Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Sloan Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation, among others, and a held a residency at the Rockefeller Foundation Center in Bellagio, Italy. He has given invited talks in many forum and nations, among the most recent, to the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters (October, 2017, Oslo).
Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Legal Unity and Pluralism", University of Münster

João Figueiredo

João Figueiredo holds a PhD in High History Studies (Empire, politics and post-colonialism) from the University of Coimbra (2016), a PhD in Human Rights from the Faculty of Law at the University of Coimbra (2006), and a degree in Anthropology from the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Coimbra (2005). His work focuses on Portuguese colonialism in Angola during the long 19th century from a historical and anthropological perspective. He has investigated the interactions between the Portuguese administration and local normative systems, especially the role that the materiality of writing and ethnographic objects played in these involvements. He was a lecturer and consultant at the Jean Piaget University Luanda (Angola, 2009) and worked as an anthropologist for the municipality of Lamego (2016 - 2018). He also translated into Portuguese a monograph on Mozambique (2018), and collaborated with the Educational Service of the Douro Museum (2017 - ). As an anti-racist activist, she collaborated with Djass - Association of Afrodescendants and SOS Racism, contributing to the organization of events on anti-racism, critical museology, and the restitution of African objects and human remains. She has presented her research results at several international conferences, most recently ECAS 2019, Edinburg (2019); Critical Entanglements: Colonialism, Anthropology and Visual Arts Johannesburg (2019); International Meeting on Museum Education and Research, FLUP (2019); APA Congress, Lisbon (2019) and Hispano-Luso Meeting of Historians of Law, Lisbon (2019). He has written several book chapters and peer-reviewed articles for journals such as the South African Historical Journal (H Index 15), Notebooks of African Studies (H Index 5) or Social Sciences and Missions (H Index 3). He is currently working on his first monograph, "The Empire of Objects: salvaging capitalism, indigeneity, and race in the Portuguese Third Empire."
Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science and Public Policy, Iscte

José Santana Pereira

José Santana Pereira (Nisa, 1982) holds a PhD in Political and Social Sciences from the European University Institute in Florence (2012). His research has focused on the field of media effects on public opinion and the study of national media systems in comparative perspective. Electoral behavior and political attitudes (notably attitudes towards Europe and, more recently, populist attitudes) are also part of his research interests. In these fields, he has published several articles and book chapters in Portuguese, English and French. In January 2016 he published, by FFMS, the essay Politics and Entertainment. After graduating in Social Psychology (ISCTE, 2004) and before entering the PhD program at IUE (2008), he worked as a research assistant in the project "Electoral Behavior and Political Attitudes of the Portuguese". Between 2013 and 2017 he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences. He collaborated, among others, on the projects "EU Profiler" (which implemented a voting advice application for the 2009 European elections) and "Media Profiler" (which designed an online platform for comparative media analysis in the European Union), both based at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS). More recently, he was co-leader of the Portuguese team of the project "EUandI", researcher in the project "Participation in the EU decision-making: Portugal in comparative perspective" and leader of the Portuguese team of the project "Where is My Party?". He is one of the researchers responsible for the projects "Media Systems in Europe" and "Mechanisms and Impacts of Electoral Abstention", funded by FFMS. He is country coordinator for Italy in the project "Varieties of Democracy" and member of the team responsible for the ICS-ISCTE Polls.
Associate Professor in Political Science at the Scuola Normale Superiore, affiliated scholar at the Cosmos Center for Social Movement Studies (SNS) and associated faculty at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) in Vienna

Manuela Caiani

Manuela Caiani é professora associada em Ciência Política no Scuola Normale Superiore, académica afiliada no Cosmos Center for Social Movement Studies (SNS) e professora associada no Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) em Viena. Recebeu a sua Abilitazione nacional italiana para professora catedrático em Ciência Política; e em Sociologia Política, em 2017. A sua investigação centra-se nos movimentos sociais e europeização; política de extrema direita; extremismo online; populismo de direita e de esquerda; partidos do movimento; métodos qualitativos de investigação social. Desde 2019 é Conveniente do Grupo Permanente "Participação Política e Movimentos Sociais" da Associação Italiana de Ciência Política (SISP) e desde 2021 Co-directora do Observatório Internacional sobre Coesão Social e Inclusão-OCIS, Dirigiu e colaborou em vários projectos internacionais (Horizon 2021; Volskwagen Stiftung; Europe for Citizens Program; FP4, FP5, FP7; PRIN; Marie Curie; Research Grant Jubilaumsfonds, ONB; Doctoral TRA Fellowship, START Center, 2009, University of Maryland). Ela publicou, entre outras, as seguintes revistas: Social Movement Studies, EJPR, Mobilization, Acta Politica, West European Politics, Government and Opposition; European Union Politics, South European Society and Politics, RISP e para os seguintes editores: Imprensa da Universidade de Oxford, Ashgate, Palgrave, Routledge.
María Zambrano Fellow at the Department of Constitutional Law, Political Science and Administration (University of Valencia)

Paolo Cossarini

Paolo Cossarini is María Zambrano Fellow at the Department of Constitutional Law, Political Science and Administration (University of Valencia), and member of the DEMOS research group (Aalborg University). Previously, he was postdoctoral researcher at Aalborg University (Denmark), at the School of International Studies - University of Trento (Italy), and lecturer in Politics and International Relations at Loughborough University (UK). He has also held visiting positions at the Paris Institute of Political Studies, and Queen Mary University of London.

His research focuses on populism and nationalism, Italian and Spanish politics, protest movements, EU politics, and civil society organisations. He has published in European Politics and Society, Global Discourse, European Political Science, and Revista de Estudios Políticos, among other journals. He is co-editor of Populism and Passions. Democratic Legitimacy after Austerity (2019), and The Impact of Populism on European Institutions and Civil Society. Discourses, Practices, and Policies (2021)

Associate Professor in Political Psychology University of Southampton

Tereza Capelos

Tereza Capelos studies the psychological processes, mechanisms, and dynamics that explain political behaviour. Her recent work focuses on grievance politics and particularly on resentful emotionality and reactionary orientations as determinants of anti-democratic and authoritarian political preferences. She also examines the role of uncertainty, anxiety, trust, and empathy as determinants of polarization vs. cooperation during crises and tensions. Tereza is co-Editor of the Palgrave Global Handbook in Political Psychology, and publishes articles in Political Psychology, Regulation and Governance, Politics and Governance, and other international peer review journals. Tereza Capelos is Standing Group co-Convener for the Political Psychology Standing Group of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) and Former President of the International Society of Political Psychology. She is also co-editor of the Palgrave Studies in Political Psychology. She has recently been awarded two Horizon Europe projects focusing on the role of emotions in democratic governance.

Tereza welcomes media engagement and invitations to discuss grievance politics, emotions and their impact on public opinion, voting preferences, and political engagement, the political psychology of crises and conflicts, challenges for democratic engagement, prejudice, and tolerance.


PhD student in Human Rights in Contemporary Societies at the Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra

Amit Singh

Amit is a PhD student in Human Rights in Contemporary Societies, a Sylff fellow at the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research Japan, holder of a Slovakian national scholarship, and a research associate at the Centre for the Study at Indian Languages Society in India. Amit holds MSc. in Human rights and multiculturalism from the University of Southeast Norway, M.A. in Human rights from Mahidol University, Thailand and M.A. in World History from Pondicherry University, India. He was a Fritt ord scholar (Norway), holder of SUPRA NORDIC scholarship (Denmark), and received Sylff research grant (Japan, 2022). Amit has worked with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (Bangkok, Thailand) the United Nations Development Program (New Delhi, India), the National Human Rights Commission of India and the Philippines. His research interests are Hindu Nationalism, right-wing extremism, human rights and freedom of expression. In 2021, he was visiting researcher at Lund University, Sweden. Amit holds membership of The European Consortium for Political Research, the European Integration & the Global Political Economy Research Network, Columbia University, and the Indian Sociological Society.
Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra

Antoni Aguiló

Antoni Aguiló is a researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (CES) of the University of Coimbra (UC), where he integrates research thematic line on Democracy, Justice and Human Rights. He works as a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Philosophy and Social Work at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB). He holds a degree in Philosophy from the UIB, a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Philosophy of Law, Morals and Politics and a PhD in Social and Human Sciences, with a dissertation on radical democracy in the thought of Boaventura de Sousa Santos. He was a member of the European project ALICE- Strange Mirrors, Unsuspected Lessons (ERC Advanced Grant, 2011-2016) and professor in several PhD programs at CES. He works in the field of political philosophy, working mainly on the following topics: theories of democracy, epistemologies of the South, LGTBIQ+ movements, masculinities and hate speech in relation to gender, sexuality and body. He is co-author, together with Boaventura de Sousa Santos, of the book “Aprendizajes globales: decolonizar, demercantilizar y depatriarcalizar de las epistemologías del Sur”.
Researcher Margarita Salas, University of Salamanca

Clara Margaça

Clara Margaça has a PhD from the University of Salamanca, where she is currently Margarita Salas' researcher. She conducts interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research on entrepreneurial intentions, entrepreneurship, sustainability and their relationship with psychological variables. Her research interests include positive psychological capital, emotions, social ventures, spiritual mindsets, psychological resilience, and education for sustainable development. She has authored several articles in high impact journals and book chapters in the area of Psychology, Entrepreneurship and Spirituality.
Political Scientist

Dario Quattromani

Political scientist, moving from my initial research field of party politics and democratization, I approached and then deepened my knowledge on participatory and deliberative democracy. My research has gone further in the elaboration and application of hybrid experimental settings of participatory and deliberative tools.
Political Scientist

Eduardo Tamaki

Researcher and PhD candidate in political science at GIGA (German Institute for Global and Area Studies) and the University of Erfurt. My master's degree is also in political science, and my undergraduate degree is in social sciences.
Permanent Researcher at CES and Associate Professor in Political Philosophy

Gaia Giuliani

Gaia Giuliani is permanent researcher at CES and Associate professor in Political philosophy (ASN 2017, Italy). She obtained her PhD in History of political ideas at the University of Torino (2005) and received then 3 postdoctoral fellowships, respectively from the University of Bologna (2007-2009), the University of Technology Sydney (2009-2010) funded by the Australian Government under the scheme Endeavour Research Fellowship, and the Center for Social Studies (CES) (2015-2019), funded by the Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology [FCT]. Since 2016 she lectures regularly at CES PhD courses and sicne 2022 she integrates the international academic staff of the PhD Programme in "Social Sciences: interactions, communication, and cultural constructions" at FISPPA - University of Padua (Italy). From 2018-2019 she co-coordinates the course "Issues on Sociology of Politics and Democracy" (MA in Sociology) at the Faculty of Economics (FEUC) of the University of Coimbra. Her methodology crosses History of Political Ideas, Political Philosophy, Critical Race and Whiteness Studies, Postcolonial Theory, Cultural and Gender Studies. Her research project at CES (2019-) aims at a critical discourse analysis of texts coding racialised and gendered monstrosity and 'fears of disasters and crisis' and their symbolic and material impact in the context of the War on terror, the so-called migrant and refugee crises, and the crise of European and Western self-representation. In 2018, she became Principal investigator of the FCT-funded three-year project "(De)OTHERING - Deconstructing Risk and Otherness: hegemonic scripts and counter-narratives on migrants/refugees and 'internal Others' in Portuguese and European mediascapes"(2018-22). Between 2018 and 2022 she also collaborated with the FCT project "DECODEM - (De)Coding Masculinities in Portugal" (2018-22) and since 2021 is associate researcher in the FCT project "UNPOP- UNpacking POPulism: Comparing the formation of emotion narratives and their effects on political behaviour" (2021-2024), both at CES. Since 2020 she is member of the Management Committee of the COST Action CA19129 - Decolonising Development: Research, Teaching and Practice (2020-24). Since 2021 she is a member of the advisory board of the FCT 3 years project "UrbanoScenes. Post-colonial imaginaries of urbanisation: A future-oriented investigation from Portugal and Angola (PTDC/GES-URB/1053/2021).

Among her monographic books: Bianco e nero. Storia dell'identità razziale degli italiani with dr. Cristina Lombardi-Diop (Le Monnier 2013), First prize in the 20th-21st century category by the American Association for Italian Studies; Race, Nation, and Gender in Modern Italy (Palgrave Macmillan 2019) finalist of the Gadda Prize 2019, and Monsters, Catastrophes and the Anthropocene. A Postcolonial Critique (Routledge 2021).

Researcher in Political Science at CIES-ISCTE

Maisa Lima

Political science researcher at CIES-ISCTE, political science candidate at ISCTE-IUL, scholarship holder (FCT/Portugal). My research focuses on populist attitudes, specifically the relationship between economic hardship and populist attitudes and if and how antiestablishment identification acts as a mediator in this relationship. I am also attempting to apply an intersectional approach to populism, as means of recognition that economic hardship represents different things to different people. My main areas of interest are: political attitudes and behavior, populism, populist attitudes, antiestablishment identification, negative partisanship, quantitative methods (SPSS/R), mixed-methods, intersectionality, populism and gender.
Lecturer in the Department of European and International Studies

Marianna Griffini

Marianna Griffini holds a PhD in European and International Studies from King's College London. She WORKED IN the Department of European and International Studies as a Lecturer (Education) at King's College London between 2020 and 2023, before joining Northeastern University London. Her research focuses on party politics, especially on populism, on institutionalisation, on Italian politics, and on migration politics. She has taught widely on topics related to democracy, populism, immigration, post-colonialism, and International Political Economy. She is Deputy Director of the Centre for Italian Politics at the European and International Studies from King's College London.


Psychology and English Literature student

Abid Bakhshizada

Abid Bakhshizada is a Psychology and English Literature student at Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey. Currently studying at Universidade de Coimbra on the Erasmus+ exchange programme, he collaborates in the UNPOP project within the scope of the curricular unit Participation in Research Project.
Psychology Student at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra

Andreia Campos Silva

Andreia Campos Silva was born in Viseu, where she completed her compulsory education at the Santa Comba Dão School Grouping. In 2020, she started her higher education in Psychology in Coimbra. Currently (2022), she is in the 3rd year of her degree in Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra.
Psychology student at the University of Jena, Germany

Anna Calina Günther

Anna Calina Günther is a 3 rd Psychology student at the University of Jena, Germany. She is at the moment on an Erasmus + exchange programme in which she works with the UNPOP project as part of the curricular unit on participation in a research project.
Estudante de Psicologia na Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra

Beatriz Pinheiro

Beatriz Jales Pinheiro is a first year student of Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra. She collaborates in the project "UNPOP: Dismantling Populism: Comparing the formation of narratives of emotion and their effects on political behavior", on a voluntary basis.
Licenciatura em Psicologia

Beatriz Silva Conde

Beatriz Silva Conde, natural do Porto, atualmente no 3º ano de Licenciatura em Psicologia, na Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra. Membro da equipa de Coimbra da 10ª edição da campanha Mind the Mind, uma iniciativa EFPSA. Colabora no projeto "UNPOP: Desmontar o Populismo: Comparando a formação de narrativas da emoção e os seus efeitos no comportamento político", no âmbito da unidade curricular "Participação em Projeto de Investigação II".
Licenciatura em Psicologia

Beatriz Loureiro

Beatriz Loureiro é estudante do 3°ano da Licenciatura em Psicologia na Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra. No âmbito da unidade curricular "Participação em Projeto de Investigação I", participa atualmente no projeto "UNPOP: UNpacking POPulism: Comparing the formation of emotions narratives and their effects on political behaviour".
Master in Systemic and Health Clinical Psychology

Bruna Branco

Master in Clinical, Systemic and Health Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra. She finished her master's degree in 2022, the year in which she developed her dissertation on the emotions, values and the role of the family inherent in the political narratives of right-wing parties, namely CHEGA and the Partido do Centro Democrático Social - Partido Popular. In this context, he collaborates in the project "UNPOP: Dismantling Populism: Comparing the formation of narratives of emotion and their effects on political behavior", funded by FCT.
3rd year Psychology student at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Coimbra

Bruna Serrão

Bruna Ribeiro Serrão is a 3rd year Psychology student at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra. As part of the curricular unit "Participation in Research Project II", she is currently working on the research project "UNPOP: UNpacking POPulism: Comparing the formation of emotion narratives and their effects on political behavior".
Master's student in Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions in Clinical and Health Psychology

Carolina Branco

Born in Coimbra, Carolina Branco entered higher education in 2017. She has a degree in Education Sciences and a degree in Psychology in Coimbra. Currently, she is attending the (1st year) master's degree in Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions in Clinical and Health Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra. She is also a Student Ambassador of the Portuguese Psychologists Order in her faculty. She collaborates in the project "UNPOP: Dismantling Populism: Comparing the formation of narratives of emotion and their effects on political behavior", under the course unit "Research Project II".
Psychology student

Carolina Gomes

Carolina Gomes is a psycology student at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciencies of the University of Coimbra. Since 2022 until 2024, she's attending the master's degree in Organizational Psychology writing her dissertation within the framework of the project "UNPOP: Unpacking Populism: Comparing the formation of narratives of emotion and their effect on political behavior"
Graduate student in Social Economics

Célia Pelado

Célia Lima Pelado has a degree in International Relations from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra. She is a postgraduate student in Social Economy: Cooperativism, Mutualism and Solidarity at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra. Currently, she is an intern at the Centre for Social Studies (CES) of the University of Coimbra, integrated in the project "UNPOP: Dismantling Populism: Comparing the formation of narratives of emotion and its effects on political behavior", coordinated by Dr. Cristiano Gianolla and Dr. Lisete Mónico. Main research interests: International Conflicts, Epistemologies of the South, Foreign Policy, Social Behavior.
Estudante de Psicologia na Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra

Débora Boa Morte

Débora Boa Morte is a 3rd year student of the Degree in Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra. She is participating in the project "UNPOP: Dismantling Populism: Comparing the formation of narratives of emotion and their effects on political behavior", within the curricular unit "Participation in Research Project II".
Psychology student

Eva Gruenbichler

Eva Gruenbichler is a master’s student in psychology at the University of Graz, Austria. Currently studying at the Universidade de Coimbra on the Erasmus+ exchange program. As part of the curricular unit "Participation in a research project", she is working on the research project “UNPOP: Unpacking POPulism: Comparing the formation of emotion narratives and their effects on political behavior”.
Psychology student

Felipe Wingert

Felipe Fiegenbaum Wingert is a Psychology student at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) in Brazil and studied at the University of Coimbra as an academic mobility student during the last semester. He is part of the research group Psychology, Health and Communities at PUCRS (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul) where she works on projects involving gender, sexuality, public health policies and social markers. She participates in the project "UNPOP: Dismantling Populism: Comparing the formation of narratives of emotion and their effects on political behavior" at the Center for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra.
Psicóloga em Clínica Sistémica e Clínica da Saúde

Fabiana Xavier

Fabiana Xavier, Master's student in Clinical, Systemic and Health Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra. She is currently developing her master's dissertation on the emotions and values inherent in extreme left-wing political narratives, namely those of the Left Bloc and the Portuguese Communist Party, as well as the influence of the family on political behavior. She collaborates on the project "UNPOP: Dismantling Populism: Comparing the formation of narratives of emotion and their effects on political behavior", funded by FCT.
Estudante de Mestrado de Psicologia na Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra

Felipe Fukase Secundo

Felipe Fukase Secundo was born in São Paulo, Brazil. He completed his undergraduate degree in psychology at the University of Amsterdam and is currently in his second year of the Masters of Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions in Clinical and Health Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra.
Psychology student

Gabrielle Lacerda

3rd year student in Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Coimbra
Psychology Student at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra

Inês Almeida

Inês Almeida is a 3rd year student of a degree in Psychology at the Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra. She attended high school at the Colégio Internato dos Carvalhos in the course of Legal Assistance and Documentation. She is secretary of the organization "Leos Clube de Coimbra II". Through the curricular unit "Research Project", she helps in the project "UNPOP: Dismantling Populism: Comparing the formation of narratives of emotion and their effects on political behavior".
Degree in Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra

Inês Vieira

Inês Vieira, natural de Aveiro, é estudante do 3º ano de Licenciatura em Psicologia na Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra. No âmbito da unidade curricular "Participação em Projeto de Investigação I", participa atualmente no projeto "UNPOP: UNpacking POPulism: Comparing the formation of emotion narratives and their effects on political behaviour
Degree in Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra

Juliana Temi

Juliana Tiemi Suguita, born in São Paulo, has a degree in Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra. She is currently in the first year of her Masters in Educational, Developmental, and Counseling Psychology.
Psychology student

Julyana Caroso Smith

Estudante do 3º ano de licenciatura em Psicologia na Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciência da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra.
Estudante de 3º ano de Psicologia

Lara Bonassoli

Lara Bonassoli é estudante do 3º ano da Licenciatura em Psicologia, pela Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra
Degree in Psychology from the University of the Azores

Laura Pimentel

Laura Pacheco Pimentel, born on the island of São Miguel, Azores, has a degree in Psychology from the University of the Azores. She is currently in the first year of her master's degree in Educational, Developmental and Counseling Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra.
Graduate student in Political Science and Sociology

Luca Mangiacotti

Luca Mangiacotti is a Political Science and Sociology postgraduate student at the University of Florence. Previously, he obtained his bachelor's at the University of Pisa with a dissertation on early Italian workerism. During his postgraduate studies, he did a traineeship with the web journal Dinamopress writing on the Indian political context and workers' struggles in the Florence and Prato areas. After this, he joined the UNPOP group, at CES - Coimbra for eight months, working on right-wing populism. Nowadays, he's interested in political ecology and labour studies
Estudante de Psicologia na Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra

Luís Patarata

3rd year Psychology student at the University of Coimbra

Maria Clara Paraíso

Maria Clara Paraíso, born in Salvador, is currently a third-year student studying Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra.
Psychology Student at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra

Maria Meleiro

Maria Meleiro is a 3rd year student of a degree in Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra. As for her complementary training, we can highlight the study of English foreign language at the English Centre English Language Institute (ELI), with a C1 grade, and the SOS Student training. She is president of the organization "Leos Clube de Coimbra II" and member of the Youth Action Network of Coimbra- AI Portugal. Through the curricular unit "research project", she helps in the project "UNPOP: Dismantling Populism: Comparing the formation of narratives of emotion and their effects on political behavior".
Mestrado Conjunto Erasmus Mundus em Psicologia do Trabalho, Organizacional e do Pessoal

Nicolas van Dyck

Nicolas Eyck van Dyck is a student of the Erasmus Mundus Joint European Master in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology consortium at the University of Coimbra and Universitat de València. He is currently studying the role of journalists and political commentators in the transmission of the emotion narratives of Chega and CDS in Portugal. He is co-author of articles on Quality of Life at Work (QWL), Decent Work and Work Platformization. His main research interests comprise the fields of Activity Ergonomics and Work Psychopathology, namely their interfaces with QWL, digital work, political behavior and management of emotions at work
Pedagogical Sciences Student

Nicky Huijboom

Nicky Huijboom studies Pedagogical Sciences at the University of Utrecht and is currently completing her minor in Psychology at the University of Coimbra. For her bachelor thesis she studied the bias of teachers towards students from different educational levels. Main research interests: inequality in education, institutional racism and international education. In Coimbra, Nicky Huijboom is part of "UNPOP: Dismantling Populism: Comparing the formation of emotion narratives and their effects on political behavior".
PhD candidate and Research Assistant

Nurdan Selay Bedir

Nurdan Selay Bedir is a PhD candidate and research assistant at the Department of Political Sciences and Public Administration at the Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara, Turkey. She received a Master’s Degree from the METU Department of European Studies with her thesis titled “Transformation of Social and Political Demands through Ballot Box: From Los Indignados to Podemos” in 2017. She has a Master’s Degree from Ankara University Department of Latin American Studies (non-thesis program) with her study titled “Woman’s Participation in Political Processes in Latin America” in 2015 and two separate Bachelor’s Degrees from Atılım University Department of International Relations and Department of Translation and Interpretation in 2012 and 2011 respectively. She also visited Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin during the 2023 Summer semester as an ERASMUS student.
Her research interests encompass Turkish Politics, Political Sociology, Emotions in Politics, Social Movements, European Politics, and EU-Turkish Relations. She has worked as a research assistant and as a researcher in several research projects like “Linking Europe at the Periphery (LEAP)”, “Blickwechsel in EU/German-Turkish Relations Beyond Conflict – Towards a Unique Partnership for Contemporary Turkey? (TRIANGLE)” and “The Future of EU-Turkey Relations: Mapping Dynamics and Testing Scenarios (FEUTURE)”. She contributed to these projects with edited book chapters and a guideline paper.
Estudante de Psicologia na Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra

Pedro Bastos

Pedro Miguel Silva Bastos is a student of the Degree in Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra. He collaborates in the project "UNPOP: Dismantling Populism: Comparing the formation of narratives of emotion and their effects on political behavior", within the curricular unit "Participation in Research Project II.
Social Integration Technician

Pedro Juan Resina García

Social Integration Technician and ERASMUS student in the 3rd year of the Psychology Degree at the University of Granada, Spain. He collaborates, within the curricular unit "Participation in Research Project II", in the Research Project UNPOP: UNpacking POPulism: Comparing the formation of emotion narratives and their effects on political behaviour
Psychology Student at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra

Pedro Renda

Pedro Torcato Renda da Silva is a 3rd year undergraduate student in Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra.
Estudante de Psicologia na Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra

Salomé Bispo

Salomé Marques Bispo is a 3rd year student in the Psychology Degree at the Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra.
Collaborates in the project "UNPOP: Dismantling Populism: Comparing the formation of narratives of emotion and their effects on political behavior", within the curricular unit "Participation in Research Project II".
Aluna de Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica Forense

Sofia Costa

Sofia Costa, natural de Lisboa, é licenciada em Psicologia pela Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra. Atualmente encontra-se a frequentar o segundo ano do Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica Forense.
Psychology student at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra

Teresa Oliveira

Teresa Oliveira has a degree and a master’s degree in Chemistry from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto and a PhD in Chemistry – specialization in Physical and Analytical Chemistry – from the School of Sciences of the University of Minho.
Currently, she is attending the 2nd year of the degree in Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra and collaborating with the project “UNPOP: UNpacking POPulism: Comparing the formation of emotion narratives and their effects on political behaviour”.

Project Manager

Project Manager @ CES

Jéssica Santos

Project Manager at CES. Before joining the team, she worked as a Project Manager and Executive secretary at CEsA - ISEG/ULisboa between 2007-2021. Its functions are mainly the submission of applications, financial management of research projects and funding for research units, as well as bilateral cooperation projects. Organised and supported almost a hundred institutional events (seminars, conferences, congresses, conferences, workshops, among others). She holds a degree in International Relations from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra and a master's degree in Development and International Cooperation from the ISEG/ULisboa. She also has a specialization in Diplomatic Theories and Practices, as well as in General Management at Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics. Her main areas of interest are public aid and international cooperation for development, as well as science and organisational management.