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Place: CES-Alta – Room 1 || Colégio de S. Jerónimo, Largo D. Dinis Apartado 3087
Chair: Cristiano Gianolla and Lisete Mónico
09h30-10h00 Welcome and introduction
  • Welcome Speech by Ana Cordeiro Santos – President of the Scientific Council of the Centre for Social Studies – University of Coimbra
  • Welcome speech by Ana Rita Silva –Coordinator of Neuropsychological Assessments and Aging process research line of CINEICC – FPCEUC
  • Event presentation by Cristiano Gianolla and Lisete Mónico
Horizon Europe Projects starting in 2024 – presentations followed by individual debate:
  • 10h00 -10h30 PROTEMO – Emotional Dynamics of Protective Policies in an Age of Insecurity – Georg Wenzelburger & Beatriz Carbone (Saarland University)

  • 10h30-11h00 PLEDGE – Politics of Grievance and Democratic Governance – Tereza Capelos (University of Southampton) & Mikko Salmela (University of
    Copenhagen, University of Helsinki)

11h00- 11h30 Coffee Break

11h30-12h00 MORES – Moral emotions in politics – how they unite, how they divide – Zsolt Boda & Gabriela Szabo (HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest)

12h00-12h30 CO3 – COntinuous COnstruction of Resilient Social COntracts through Societal Transformations – Emilia Palonen (University of Helsinki) & Vanda Amaro Dias (CES – University of Coimbra)

12h30-13h00 CIDAPE – Climate Inequality and Democratic Action: The Power of Political Emotions – Anna Durnova & Till Hilmar (University of Vienna) (Remote connection)

13h00-14h30 Lunch Break

14h30-~~h~~ Guided Tour of the Historical building of the University of Coimbra

(Optional. Self-payment. Tickets: Loja UC, Colégio de Jesus, Rua Inácio Duarte)